Dog Parks

Yöghund | tha Dog Ice Cream!

YWith Summer being just around the corner (Hopefully), I like the idea of being able to peel open a nourishing, Organic Blueburry Yöghund for Ballou to happily lick.  Although we like to think of this treat as “tha Dog Ice Cream,” it’s actually yogurt and a whole lot better and healthier for the overall well-being of our canine friends.

A recognized Power Food, Yogurt is High in Calcium and Protein, containing active bacteria that can act as a probiotic; good for a dog’s Digestive and Immune system. What makes Yöghund so Dog-Gone-Good is the fact that this specially made, frozen treat for dogs adds billions of beneficial live cultures, 6 additional strains per cup, to the current yogurt base.

Note: Typically, dogs are unable to easily digest lactose (diary products), however, Yogurt is an exception, containing lactose fighting bacteria

Recommended to give to your dog daily, below is a list of Conditions where Your dog might benefit from Yöghund:

– Changing Diets Yoghund
– Boarding, Daycare, Dog Parks
– Traveling
– Dogs with Sensitive Bowels
– Dogs on Antibiotics
– Dogs with Allergies
– Dogs with Poor Skin and Hair
– Dogs on a Diet
– Dogs exposed to Stressful Situations
– Dogs that Need a Distraction
– Puppies and Seniors with their Special Needs

A guaranteed low fat, low Calorie treat with no preservatives or sweeteners (added sugars), to Find out more about this frozen treat, Go to:

Our favorite Flavors are the Organic Banana + Peanut Butter  and the Organic Blueberry + Vanilla Bean!